Friday, October 7, 2011

Working with Influencers can be a Great Tactic

I bet there are many bloggers, celebrities, and influencers constantly receiving products for free. Satire entertainer, Colbert, even received an iPad when he asked for it or when celebrities like Jay-Z received Blackberries in their gift bags at the MTV Awards.

Gifts such as a few brand new laptops, phones, cars, money or office space the size of a football field, and possibly some business services can be very welcoming and appreciated.

Celebrity or influence marketing is a very powerful way to get the word out about your product or services. There’re no guarantees on the ROI but I think it’s more effective then random flyers, newspaper ads. Even Fiat is using Jennifer Lopez to promote their car. (And notice I’m talking about it and Fiat is currently not paying me. In time they will pay. I’m sure J Lo got paid.)

It’s a powerful tool to complement other tactics. It can speed up the brand development, appeal and recognition in less time compare to other none influencer methods. When Nike got started they got the best Athletes to wear their products.

Oprah Winfrey is a powerful influencer. If she mentions your product or company, it will be hard to keep up with demand. Hey Oprah, say my name (laugh).

So how do you get to influencers or celebrities? Or what steps to take. I might put together a guide in the future. In conclusion, it’s something to consider.

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