Want To Do Good & Become A Wealthy Founder Post Covid-19? Then Solve These Problems
**Keep in mind that wealth comes in many different forms, it doesn't have to be money.
I’m not sure about you guys, but I’m thinking the time to become be better, do better and make our world better is now. Just in case you don’t get to read the whole content, just remember the root cause of many humanities problems is POWER & DESIRE.
We have problems over women rights, equality, oppression, exploitation, favoritism, corruption, possession, control,sex, guns,theft, poverty, drugs, life, skin color, money, health, safety, security,resources, access and so on…FOR POWER & DESIRE!
Get yourself on the path with these 9 technology trends that form the building blocks of Industry 4.0.
Big Data and Analytics
Autonomous Robots
Horizontal and Vertical System Integration
The Industrial Internet of Things
The Cloud
Additive Manufacturing
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
10. Lack of economic opportunity and employment
9. Safety / security / well-being / mental health
8. Education
7. Food and water security
6. Government accountability and transparency / corruption
5. Religious conflicts
4. Poverty
3. Inequality (income, discrimination)
2. Large scale conflict / wars
1. Climate change / destruction of nature
Prevention War.
Credit Access.
Risks in a digital world
Handling uncertain times
Every founder should be reminded daily that companies have a major influence over society, our communities, and the environment which means you are obligated to try to lead by example.
From the beginning of 2020 till today, we have all witness the scale of the societal challenges around the world and the magnitude of the challenges impacting everyone. It’s bound to get more challenging due to growing pace of change and innovation. I personally unsure how we all address the future issues but I do know any company or government or founder wanting to stay profitable for the long term better start solving society problems.
Capitalism doesn’t work anyone if it’s broken for the many. There’s a point where income is not keeping up with expense. There’s a point when people will really get tired of the wealth gap. There's a point when frustration about the system will turn into something much scary than Covid-19 pandemic.
***Also maybe learn from others via MIT Solve Challenge https://solve.mit.edu/challenges
Positively Impacting Society
Protecting Our Planet
Empowering Our People
Promoting Responsible Business Practices
Problem Solving With Simplicity
Using Agility
Viewing Vulnerable Communities not as Beneficiaries but Also Part of Solution
Passion For Being Constructive For the Whole
“Productivity is self-destructive in the sense that the economy demands it from employees, but at the same it puts those employees closer to unemployment. I define the “Productivity Paradox” as the position a person finds herself in when she must decide whether to be more productive to please her boss, or to be less productive to keep her job longer. Both options seem to lead to the same outcome: unemployment. The scramble to find meaningful employment has become “just another day.” - Unknown Source
"For most companies to become sustainable and profitable,
they either need to become much more efficient on the marketing side,
or they need to figure out how to generate more lifetime value out of their customer base." - - Unknown Source
"What if the purpose of a college education was to provide an environment for a student to develop a startup that solved a social problem? What if students worked on projects in college that eventually turned into their jobs?" - Unknown Source
"The moment when we shift our focus from profit, to people.
It may seem as if “computers stealing your job” is a bad thing. However, you have far greater potential in this world than to work a job that is so mindless that a computer application can do it." - Unknown Source
"You are not competing with the tech industry. In fact, the tech industry is your ally. We need them to create the building blocks of innovation for our social evolution. We can’t expect them to do everything, and we shouldn’t blame them for doing their job.
Thank tech startups for automating the mindless work of the old economy, and let’s work together on developing ideas that matter." - Unknown Source
"I soon realized that the pursuit of profit had caused me to become disconnected from my humanity. We need to work as one unit to become a stronger system. Our power only realizes itself when we come together to create a new system. Just like all the different parts that come together to build a car." - Unknown Source
"It can be very tempting to jump on the next hot idea you have, but so many people fail with fly-by-night operations that have no mission or framework." - Unknown Source
" Here are some of the biggest necessities coming up in the world today: clean energy, robotics, cybersecurity, transportation and artificial intelligence. You'll see hundreds upon hundreds of companies trying to solve those emerging issues, but only a handful with the capability and drive to do so." - Unknown Source
To all the Founders Under 40™ Group members + GreatestFounders™.com members thank you for all your support and loyalty. I believe now is the perfect time that together we all can work together to assist in making the world better for all. We're able to fully support you and your company due to your monetary and non-monetary support. Credible people and organizations, Please reach out to us: howard[at]foundersunder40.com to assist us to build the unconventional platform for collaborative outcomes.
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