WARNING: Becoming great in life and in business requires the choice to be great.Also a strong drive to achieve.
Most of us want to be significant in life. We want to be financially free and have access to abundance. We want to be around the best that life has to offer. We want to be free to enjoy the beauty and the imperfections of the world. We want to be the master not the slave of life. So what can you do to achieve greatness?
Every Sunday as I watch great teams like the New England Patriots consistently win and execute flawlessly in their NFL games, I personally wonder how does the Patriots organization operate so well? I’m sure the reason they dominate is not because of some secret formula but because of their endless pursuit of perfection.
I have not read up on the team’s principles or Coach Bill Belichick book, however I have manage to scrap together some wisdom that great people and organizations have adopted.
My fellow founders and leaders might enjoy this. And I also welcome the great Founders and Leaders around the world to JOIN Founders Under 40™ Group Private Community. Basically giving the global very best a place to engage the global very best. For more detail or to share your suggestion, please visit our site and complete the sign-up form. This was powered by Emmanuel “Manny“ Omikunle, of Founders Under 40™ Group. (@thebestmannyo)

Starting With You
So currently the mood in the last few days before Christmas Day and the New Year, is mixed in the first world nations who easily can afford a fifty five inch TV with a food feast that could feed a village in a third world nations. Some are both excited and looking forward to it and others have a bitter-sweet expectation.
Anyway, when all that celebration stops, wouldn’t it great to know that you no longer aspire to be mediocre in the next few months or for rest of your life? From my exposure to great people and my research, I believe they usually started with themselves and then on the environment they live and work.
- Great people face many different adversities and yet still find the strength and courage to persist. That’s because they focus on the prize. Because not knowing what is a must have in life and developing a way to get it, is like having a key to a treasure box and never bothering to find the map.
- Great people are just like everyone accept they have put in the extra hours, the extra sweat, the extra sacrifice, just to obtain the fruits of a free life.
- Great people can turn obstacles into opportunities while everyone else can’t seem to see past the obstacles.
- Great people will do what ever it takes to be around other great people. Some will base it on different things such as lifestyle, personality, accomplishment, influence, industry, values, etc. They will do what it takes to marry the right partners. Be associated with the right businesses.
- Great people learn to lead their lives even when things are not perfect.
- Great people know how to be their own best friend.
- Great people are always thankful especially those who earned their badge
- Great people leverage their fear either for motivation or preparation or planning mechanism. A great way to deal with fear is simply to reduce the down side of the situation.
- Great people stop living in the past and the future. They live in the moment. And simply learn and plan with the future and the past. Sometimes when you are busy doing one thing, your mind might wander into others things. Sometimes you allow it to intrude in the moment and sometimes you just stop yourself.
- Great people are always raising their game by challenging themselves and taking calculated risks.
- Great people adopt a fluid like life. They take on the form of water and bend, adapt, etc to overcome odds. If something is trying to stop them from going in a straight line, they just find another way or take on a different form.
- Great people can tell you in reasonable detail what they will accomplish, what their legacy will be and tell you in detail as to how to get there. For example, if they want a drone toy, they will tell you how to get it. If they need to raise fifty thousand dollars for charity in three months, they will a general idea how to do it.
- Great people know raw talent is not enough to be great. There are LeBron James caliber basketball players in the NBA however not very many will be superstars.
- Great people try to find a way to make a living doing what they love.
- Great people know you can’t be great if you aren’t self-motivated
- Great people build supportive systems to aid in their journey. They take the time to show appreciation for the people who bring out the best in them.
- Great people have a good idea what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are. And willing to delicate task they are not great at.
- Great people embrace change as if it were air. Change is just part of life. It is a lot better to change on your own than to be beaten to change.
- Great people try to be fair and honest.
- Great people are open to learn from anyone.
- Great people welcome feedback from others.
- Great people never take their success or accomplishments or blessings for granted
- Great people know greatness is not handed to anyone. It must be earned.
Your Organization or Work
I would definitely recommend reading Good to Great by Jim Collins. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to transition your organization from average to good to great. It just takes that extra step and adopting great business fundamentals.- Great organizations are driven by a higher purpose not just chasing money
- Great organizations are dedicated to stand for their purpose and also make sure to recruit others who buy into their purpose.
- Great organizations are great because the people within them are great. I’m sure not everyone is perfect but most are great people.
- Great organizations are driven to produce result not just for the short term. They face the big challenges as a unit and never jeopardize the long term objectives.
- Great organizations know their success is due to many social and economic factors not just because they were smarter than the others.
- Great organizations make sure to get the right people in however it’s based on simple things like work-ethic,attitude,interpersonal skills, adaptability, continuous learning and continuous personal growth, etc. However they are not afraid to keep people with different perspective or who may disagree in their organization.
- Great organizations take care of their people and never treat them like disposable diapers. A great sign of a great company is whether people who leave the organization are better people than when they started.
- Great organizations don’t run away from success or failure.
- Great organizations are not terrified of simplicity. They can take complex issues or ideas and reduce it into simple concept.
- Great organizations focus and allocate their resources on targets that offer the greatest potential. Only being in industries they will be the best in.
- Great organization are always looking for ways to be lean and agile in a changing world.
- Great organizations know achieving greatness doesn’t happen over night.
- Great organizations know technology by itself doesn’t make an organization great.
- Great organizations develop a core value which they fiercely uphold but have room to be updated if the need rises.
- Great organizations listen to their workers, customers, suppliers, and others.
- Great organizations communicate well by using emotion and logic in the right place and right time.
- Great organizations strive to be consistent in their behaviors and performance.
- Great organizations will do what ever it takes to attract and keep the best partners.
- Great organizations do whatever it takes to immerse themselves with community groups that agree or disagree of their purpose. Because just being around people who see the world the exact same way as you is not helping your organization grow.
- Great organizations know work is not work-and-no-play. They create an environment where people can enjoy their moments at work. And enjoying the sense of making a contribution to the whole.

So my fellow founders and leaders hope these tips were helpful. We are looking forward to engaging you further and connecting you with other great founders and leaders. We hope you enjoy your holidays.
JOIN Founders Under 40™ Group Private Community. Basically giving the global very best founders a place to engage the global very best. For more detail or to share your suggestion, please visit our site and complete the sign-up form. This was powered by Emmanuel “Manny“ Omikunle, of Founders Under 40™ Group. (@thebestmannyo)
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