The purpose of this post is to get anonymous mature insights about
how founders, investors, vc, private equity guys and women fulfill their
desires without getting in s#$%@ with management, hr, etc. Inspired by a startup investor who might have misunderstood the signs.
“Sleazy investor requests sex from colleagues at professional conference: 'I will not leave Berlin without having sex with you' "
Mostly guys. There’s “Hardly” no time in the day we guys don’t think about sex. Sex at home. Sex at work. Sex in our dreams. Sex at the beach. Sex while talking to women. Women want sex, aka love making but that's usually not on their minds 24/7. Some of us get it on a regular basis. And some of us just don’t know how to get some. Some of us founders have to be extra careful about who we have sex with and who we don’t.
It’s natural to desire lust. Be spanked occasionally, the question really is: how do founders, investors, ceo, vc, private equity guys, rock stars, celebrities, politicians and women fulfill their desires without getting in trouble with Management, HR, Law, Life Partners, Colleagues, STD, etc and without having to pay for it or criminal act.
The purpose of this post is to get anonymous mature insights, PG-14+, about how founders, investors, vc, private equity guys and women fulfill their desires without getting in s%$^#&*.
“Sleazy investor requests sex from colleagues at professional conference: 'I will not leave Berlin without having sex with you'
Two women say a corrupt entrepreneur pressed them to hook up at a July business conference. When one shared the sleazy email she had received, the creep claimed his account had been hacked. When the second provided similar text messages as proof, he owned up and apologized.” - Meg W., NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
“Two female techies have ousted a sleazy start-up investor who asked them for sex during a professional meet-up. Gesche H., a start-up leader based in New York City, flew to Berlin last month to meet with other tech insiders during an industry conference.
That's where she was introduced to Pavel C., a European investor and entrepreneur. They chatted for 20 minutes and the conversation seemed purely professional, ...But when H. got back to her hotel room, she had a very unprofessional message waiting for her. Pavel C. dropped her email with the subject line "I like you a lot."
The body explained: "Hey G. I will not leave Berlin without having sex with you. Deal?"
Whether the above sex story is true or not, what can founders, ceos, presidents, vc, co-founders, investors, vc, private equity guys, celebrities, politicians and women do to minimize the probability of getting into s#@^%&.
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